The following are frequently asked questions from new subscribers and those interested in the NFB Newsline® Hawaii service. Check out www.nfbnewsline.org for more information, including user guides and how-to instructions. Visitwww.hawaii.nfb.org and our Local Channels on NFB Newsline® Hawaii to learn about NFB of Hawaii events.

What is NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

A free electronic information service with over 500 publications, including two Hawaii newspapers, national papers, international papers, custom TV listings up to 13 days in advance, weather alerts and forecasts, customizable job searches, over 90 magazines, and more. A full list of participating NFB Newsline® Hawaii publications can be found at https://nfb.org/participating-newspapers.

Who can use NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

The service is available to anyone who is legally blind, low-vision, or print disabled. You do not have to be a member of the National Federation of the Blind or affiliated with any blindness organizations to register.

I’m still not sure if I qualify.

Anyone who is signed up for the Talking Book Program through the National Library Service automatically qualifies for NFB Newsline®. If you are blind or low-vision and participated in programs such as, the Hawaii School for the Deaf and the Blind, New Visions program at Ho’opono, or have a Teacher of the Visually Impaired/Teacher of Blind Students, you are legally blind and qualify for NFB Newsline® Hawaii. If you have another print disability and are not a Talking Books patron, contact, Lou Ann Blake, NFB Newsline® Hawaii program manager, at 800-955-6169 orlblake@nfbnewslinehawaii.org for more information.

How much does it cost?

NFB Newsline® is free and unlimited for our subscribers! Thanks to sponsorship by the Hawaii State Department of Human Services, and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii and the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.

How can I read newspapers and magazines on NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

With any telephone, on the free NFB Newsline® Mobile app for iPhone and iPad, online, on digital talking-book players like Victor Reader Stream, and with Amazon Alexa products.

How can I sign up?

Fill out our NFB Newsline® Hawaii Application, or call 800-955-6169 to apply over the telephone.

What happens after I fill out the application?

Once your application is processed, you will receive a letter in the mail, a follow-up phone call, and an email if an email address was provided with your six-digit User ID and four-digit Security Code. These codes allow you to access NFB Newsline® through any platform. Your telephone, NFB Mobile app, and other devices will remember your NFB Newsline® codes so you will not need to enter them in each time.

Is my contact information used for other things like advertising and spam?

We do not share or sell your personal information. We will use the contact information you provide to send you your Newsline codes and for a follow-up phone call to ensure you received your codes.

Does signing up for NFB Newsline® Hawaii make me a member of the National Federation of the Blind?

No, applying for NFB Newsline® Hawaii does not mean you are a member of the National Federation of the Blind. You do not have to be affiliated with any blindness organizations to use NFB Newsline® Hawaii. If you are interested in becoming a member of the NFB of Hawaii, however, visitwww.hawaii.nfb.org to find a local chapter in your area.

How can I learn how to use NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

There are several ways to learn more about using the NFB Newsline® Hawaii service. You can contact the NFB Newsline® Hawaii help desk at 800-955-6169 with any questions or concerns. You can also check out the tutorial on the NFB Newsline® Hawaii telephone platform under option number 1 off the Main Menu. Visit www.nfbnewsline.org to read instructions online. We invite you to join us for any of our NFB Newsline® Hawaii outreach programs for hands-on instruction.

What training programs does the NFB of Hawaii offer?

Throughout the year, the NFB of Hawaii sponsors in-person and virtual events designed to teach people how to use the NFB Newsline® Hawaii service.  The service is also featured at other NFB of Hawaii events, including the annual NFB of Hawaii State Convention, and local chapter meetings. For more information about NFB Newsline® Hawaii events, visitwww.hawaii.nfb.org or check out our Local Channels on NFB Newsline Hawaii.

I’m interested in setting up an NFB Newsline® Hawaii event or presentation in my area.

Contact Lou Ann Blake at 800-955-6169 or by email at lblake@nfbnewslinehawaii.org to discuss availability.Â

Can I post an article, announcement or information to the Hawaii Local Channels?

Yes, all are welcome to submit articles and information for consideration. Email your content in an electronic text format to lblake@nfbnewslinehawaii.org. The NFB Newsline® Hawaii Team reserves the right to decline submissions for any reason.Â

Does the NFB of Hawaii train professionals on how to use NFB Newsline® Hawaii to share with their clients?

Yes, professionals are welcome to join us for our NFB Newsline® Hawaii events to learn more, or can contact us to discuss setting up presentations for your staff. Contact Lou Ann Blake, NFB Newsline® Hawaii program manager, for more information.

I’ve already signed up for NFB Newsline® Hawaii but don’t have my codes/I need to update my personal information.

Contact Lou Ann Blake, NFB Newsline® Hawaii program manager, by phone at 800-955-6169 or emaillblake@nfbnewslinehawaii.org to retrieve your misplaced codes, update your contact information or to sign up for the first time.

Can I share my user codes with a friend or family member who qualifies for NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

You should not share your NFB Newsline® Hawaii codes with others, even if they qualify for the service. Participating publications provide their content to NFB Newsline® Hawaii for free so people who are unable to read print in the traditional manner have access to the same news and information as other subscribers, so we must respect these copyrights by insuring our users are, in fact, legally blind or print disabled. We also want to show the need for this service by registering each qualifying applicant individually. If you know someone who may qualify for NFB Newsline® Hawaii, have them call 800-955-6169 to apply over the telephone.

Can I sign my legally blind or print disabled child up for NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

Yes, NFB Newsline® Hawaii now offers a limited access subscription for children ages twelve and under. Please write your child’s name on the application rather than your own.

I’m a blindness professional, can I register my qualifying clients for NFB Newsline® Hawaii?

Yes, please contact Lou Ann Blake at 800-955-6169 orlblake@nfbnewslinehawaii.org to verify your client’s eligibility and to learn more.